King’s Cliffe Players are an enthusiastic and vibrant local amateur dramatics group who perform at the King’s Cliffe Memorial Hall. We have strong connections with the surrounding area often absorbing a proportion of it – particularly during a pantomime.
The Players were born out of a local choir group in 1985 and put in its first production in 1986.
The group has typically put on 2 productions a year - one in February (usually a pantomime or musical) and one in October (a play), although in recent years, we have only managed one big production in early Spring.
We also occasionally host other theatrical or musical events.
Can you help with our next production!
We are always in need of help to bring our fabulous productions to life in our Village Hall, on or off stage.
This doesn’t just mean joining as an actor or singer (although that would be great if you would like to get involved!) but Front of House or Back of House, to help with Costumes - Set Building - Props - Musicians - Scenery both making & painting - Running the Bar - Waiters – Raffle etc etc.
Feel free to contact kingscliffeplayers@outlook.com if you might be interested in getting involved.